Self Crits

DIRECTIONS: Copy and paste the self critique questions into a Word document and answer the questions for the photos required.  Be specific, use details and write in complete sentences for each question.


Self Critique for Line and Pattern – critique all 3 labeled photos

  1. Explain/Describe how or why line and pattern are the focus of your picture?
  2. How could you specifically improve your picture?
  3. Describe the best part of your picture? Why?


Self Critique for Shape and Texture – critique all 3 labeled photos

  1. Look  at the use of negative space in your photograph, how can cropping be used to improve the focus on your subject?
  2. Is your photograph well balanced? Explain how.
  3. Does everything work together or is there some part that sticks out unnecessarily? Explain.

-if something does stick out, how can it be fixed?

4.  Could your photography be better from a different angle? Explain.


Self Critique for Variety Project – critique the final labeled project photo

  1. How  could you have made your project more interesting?
  2. Why  did you choose the object you used?
  3. What would you have done differently/ the same?


Self Critique for Value and Bracketing Project – critique the final labeled project photo

Please a write a MEL-CON paragraph (at least 3 evidences) explaining which of the three value photos is the best black and white photo after comparing and contrasting them to each other.


Self Critique for Blurred Movement Project – critique all 3 labeled photos

Nobody is perfect.  Please a write a MEL-CON paragraph (at least 3 evidences) explaining what went wrong and how, in detail, would you improve it if you had to do it again.


Self Critique Mirror Image Project– critique the all labeled project photos

  1. What new shapes and spaces were created by rotating and flipping your photo?
  2. Can your original photo be easily seen in the project or does it mesh well with the other photos?
  3. What would you have done differently (nobody is perfect, please put something)?


Self Critique Andy Warhol Project– critique the final labeled project photo

  1. Describe, in detail,  the elements that are most obvious in your project?
  2. Explain what Principle(s) are most obvious in your project?
  3. Do your colors emphasize the key points in the picture?
  4. Do you feel your work is complete or could it use more work? Explain why.


Critique for Vacation Project– critique the final labeled project photo

Write a MEL-CON explaining your photograph.  It can include what your photo is about or explain how you came up with the idea or how you accomplished the task.


Critique for Art in Death FIELD TRIP Project- critique  your best labeled photo

Write a proper 4 Step Critique of the labeled photo you think is your best photo for this assignment.


Critique for Forced Perspective Project– critique the “best” of your labeled photos

Write a MEL-CON explaining your most successful photograph.  It can include what your photo is about or explain how you came up with the idea or how you accomplished the task.

2 thoughts on “Self Crits

  1. Pingback: Photo 1 - Sept 26th – Daily Objectives

  2. Pingback: Photo 1 - Jan 17th – Daily Objectives

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